Visiting the Library


Spaces and facilities

Members of the public and UNSW Library members are welcome to visit UNSW Library during regular Library opening hours to access facilities, visit current exhibitions and browse collections on site.

  • Plan your visit using public transport or use the limited paid parking available on campus.
  • For UNSW Library accessible facilities, see Access to the Library.
  • Study space bookings are available to current UNSW students only, but visitors may use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.

Library etiquette

The Library is a space for everyone to use so be respectful of others while visiting. This means keeping noise and mess to a minimum to ensure you don't disturb others in the Library.

For concerns about noise and behaviour, contact us or speak to UNSW Campus Security.


Through the Exhibitions program, the Library creates a space on campus for discourse and community engagement, where we showcase creative research outputs, university collections and student work.

See What’s on for the Library's upcoming online and in person workshops, events and talks.

If you would like to be notified about upcoming UNSW Library exhibitions, join our mailing list.

Accessing the internet

Visiting academics and university students registered with eduroam from your home institution may access the eduroam Wi-Fi network while on campus, using your personal device. You do not need to become a Library member.

Members of the public may use a personal device to access the UNSW guest Wi-Fi service or become a Library member to access the internet via Library desktop computers.

Photocopying and scanning

Visitors can purchase a photocopy card from the Print/Copy Services desk Level 2 Main Library to make photocopies or scan.

Observe the Copyright Act 1968 provisions and regulations at all times when accessing and printing resources. A section of the Act is displayed near each computer and print station. 

Borrowing and accessing resources

You need a valid membership to borrow items, access Library computers and online resources.

There may be loan conditions and limits to the resources you have access to - check Membership and borrowing rights first.

Some memberships can only access online resources using on-site Library desktop computers. Consider your ability to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person when applying for membership.

For visitors usually working or residing near Canberra, you may consider applying for a membership from Academy Library Canberra.

Becoming a member

If you are not a current UNSW student or not directly employed by UNSW, check Membership and borrowing rights then apply to become a Library member.