Memberships and borrowing rights
Understand the borrowing and access rights for your membership.
If you're a current UNSW student or staff, including conjoint and Emeritus, your UNSW ID card is your library card. You can use it to borrow items, access study spaces after hours, and use other Library facilities.
Visitors don't need to become a Library member to visit UNSW Library during regular hours. To borrow items, use Library computers, or access online resources, apply for a membership. Check membership and borrowing rights before applying.
Note: Visitors including members of the public, alumni, retired staff, and borrowers from other universities (ULANZ) must be able to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person.
By using your UNSW ID or Library membership card, you agree to the Library conditions of use policy.
Who are undergraduate students?
Students in a program of study that leads to the award of a diploma, advanced diploma, associate degree or a bachelor degree.
Who are UNSW College students?
Students enrolled in a program of studies at UNSW College.
About this membership
Your UNSW ID card is your library card to borrow items, access after hours study space and use other Library items and facilities.
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Online resources
Yes - for more information see Access to online resources.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
- How many items can be borrowed: 50 items in total.
- Items can be recalled at any time, check myLibrary regularly for changes. For more information see Borrowing.
- For same day loans and 4 hour loans, check myLibrary for the due date and time when borrowing.
- For information on off-campus borrowing, see Off-campus borrowers.
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)50 4 weeks Up to 16 weeks Yes High Use Collection (HUC) 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Short Loan (7 day) Part of total items limit 7 days
(14 days for off-campus borrowers)Up to 14 days
(21 days for off-campus borrowers)Yes Leisure reads Part of total items limit 4 weeks Not available Items on loan only
(pick up at Main Library)Loan laptops 1 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Videos & DVDs,
Library storage and Paddington storage journalsPart of total items limit Same day
Not available Yes CDs, DVDs & videos in Paddington storage Part of total items limit Same day
Not available Yes Accessories,
Valuable items (e.g. rare books)Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available Valuable items only Anatomical models 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans Part of total items limit Determined by the lending library
Determined by the lending library Yes -
Who are postgraduate students?
Students enrolled in a program of study that leads to the award of a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, masters degree or doctorate.
Who are honours students?
Students enrolled in an undergraduate honours program.
About this membership
Your UNSW ID card is your library card to borrow items, access after hours study space and use other Library items and facilities.
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Online resources
Yes - for more information see Access to online resources.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
- How many items can be borrowed: 100 items in total.
- Items can be recalled at any time, check myLibrary regularly for changes. For more information see Borrowing.
- For same day loans and 4 hour loans, check myLibrary for the due date and time when borrowing.
- For information on off-campus borrowing, see Off-campus borrowers.
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)100 6 months
Up to 24 months Yes High Use Collection (HUC) 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Short Loan (7 day) Part of total items limit 7 days
(14 days for off-campus borrowers)Up to 14 days
(21 days for off-campus borrowers)Yes Leisure reads Part of total items limit 4 weeks Not available Items on loan only
(pick up at Main Library)Loan laptop 1 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Videos & DVDs,
all print journalsPart of total items limit
7 days
Not available Yes CDs, DVDs & videos in Paddington storage Part of total items limit Same day
Not available Yes Accessories,
valuable items (e.g. rare books)Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available Valuable items only Anatomical models 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans Part of total items limit Determined by the lending library
Determined by the lending library Yes -
Who are UNSW staff?
An employee of UNSW on a continuing or a fixed-term basis, either full-time or part-time.
Who are conjoint staff?
Staff from Australian Research Institutes, teaching hospitals or health services who have a formal affiliation with UNSW and contribute to teaching and/or research.
Who are Emeritus Professors?
UNSW employed Professor retiring or retired, recognised for significant period of distinguished service and eminent contribution.
About this membership
Your UNSW ID card is your library card to borrow items, access after hours study space and use other Library items and facilities.
For conjoint and emeritus staff, apply for a staff card through Estate Management and contact UNSW IT to set up a zID and zPass.
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Yes - for more information see Access to online resources.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
- How many items can be borrowed: 100 items in total.
- Items can be recalled at any time, check myLibrary regularly for changes. For more information see Borrowing.
- For same day loans and 4 hour loans, check myLibrary for the due date and time when borrowing.
- For information on off-campus borrowing, see Off-campus borrowers.
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)100 6 months Up to 24 months Yes High Use Collection (HUC) 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Short Loan (7 day) Part of total items limit 7 days
(14 days for off-campus borrowers)Up to 14 days
(21 days for off-campus borrowers)Yes Leisure reads Part of total items limit 4 weeks Not available Items on loan only
(pick up at Main Library)Loan laptops 1 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Videos & DVDs,
all print journals
Part of total items limit 7 days
Not available Yes CDs, DVDs & videos in Paddington storage Part of total items limit Same day
Not available Yes Accessories,
valuable items (e.g. rare books)Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available Valuable items only Anatomical models 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans Part of total items limit Determined by the lending library
Determined by the lending library Yes -
Who are UNSW affiliated staff?
External staff who are working on behalf of UNSW.
Who are visiting academics?
Academic staff from another university (or organisation) who is visiting UNSW (staff employed in home institution or organisation).
About this membership
To borrow items and access online resources, you can apply to become a Library member.
No membership fee
Expiry date
One year from the date of your application or on the termination date of your employment (if less than one year).
Required documents
Provide with application:
- A letter signed by your faculty or department on letterhead providing:
- your name
- in what capacity you are working or researching
- length of time you are working with the faculty or department
- a statement of indemnity.
A statement of indemnity may be worded as follows:
"The Faculty or Department of ----- agrees to indemnify UNSW Library against all losses, costs and expenses incurred by reason of the member named above failing to observe the rules and conditions of membership of the Library".To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (for example on your photo ID or a phone bill)
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Yes - contact UNSW IT for assistance.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
- How many items can be borrowed: 100 items in total.
- Items can be recalled at any time, check myLibrary regularly for changes. For more information see Borrowing.
- For same day loans and 4 hour loans, check myLibrary for the due date and time when borrowing.
- For information on off-campus borrowing, see Off-campus borrowers.
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)100 6 months Up to 24 months Yes High Use Collection (HUC) 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Short Loan (7 day) Part of total items limit 7 days
(14 days for off-campus borrowers)Up to 14 days
(21 days for off-campus borrowers)Yes Leisure reads Part of total items limit 4 weeks Not available Items on loan only
(pick up at Main Library)Loan laptops 1 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Videos & DVDs,
all print journals
Part of total items limit 7 days
Not available Yes CDs, DVDs & videos in Paddington storage Part of total items limit Same day
Not available Yes Accessories,
valuable items (e.g. rare books)Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available Valuable items only Anatomical models 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans Part of total items limit Determined by the lending library
Determined by the lending library Yes - A letter signed by your faculty or department on letterhead providing:
Who are NIDA staff?
All directors, officers, employees (whether full-time, part-time or casual), contractors and consultants of NIDA other than visiting artists, who work for the National Institute of Dramatic Art.
About this membership
To borrow items and access online resources, you can apply to become a Library member.
No membership fee
Expiry date
One year from the date of your application or on the termination date of your employment (if less than one year).
Required documents
To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (for example on your photo ID or a phone bill)
- NIDA ID card
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Yes - contact UNSW IT for assistance.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
- How many items can be borrowed: 100 items in total.
- Items can be recalled at any time, check myLibrary regularly for changes. For more information see Borrowing.
- For same day loans and 4 hour loans, check myLibrary for the due date and time when borrowing.
- For information on off-campus borrowing, see Off-campus borrowers.
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)100 6 months Up to 24 months Yes High Use Collection (HUC) 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Short Loan (7 day) Part of total items limit 7 days
(14 days for off-campus borrowers)Up to 14 days
(21 days for off-campus borrowers)Yes Leisure reads Part of total items limit 4 weeks Not available Items on loan only
(pick up at Main Library)Loan laptops 1 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Videos & DVDs,
all print journals
Part of total items limit 7 days
Not available Yes CDs, DVDs & videos in Paddington storage Part of total items limit Same day
Not available Yes Accessories,
valuable items (e.g. rare books)Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available Valuable items only Anatomical models 2 (part of total items limit) 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans Part of total items limit Determined by the lending library
Determined by the lending library Yes -
Who are NIDA students?
Undergraduates, Postgraduates and Vocational Education and Training (VET) students who currently attend the National Institute of Dramatic Art.
About this membership
To borrow items and access online resources on site, you can apply to become a Library member. You must be able to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person.
No membership fee
Expiry date
Your card expiry date is 31 March.
Required documents
To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (for example on your photo ID or a phone bill)
- NIDA ID card
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Access via Library desktop computers only. Off-campus access not available.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Some online resources are not available, for example: CCH eBooks Collection, Factiva, Gartner, Lexis+, LinkedIn Learning, ProQuest eBooks, Westlaw, and Australian Standards (TechStreet).
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)50 4 weeks Up to 16 weeks Yes Loan laptops 0 Not available Not available No Accessories Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans 0 Not available Not available No All other items * 0 Not available Not available No *All other items includes Short Loans, Leisure reads, DVDs, journals and items in storage.
Who are community borrowers?
Clients who are not a current UNSW staff member or student, and are not eligible for other membership categories (e.g. member of the general public).
About this membership
To borrow items and access online resources on site, you can apply to become a Library member. You must be able to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person.
$198.00 per annum (includes GST)
Expiry date
Your card expiry date is one year from the date of your application.
Required documents
To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (for example on your photo ID or a phone bill)
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Access via Library desktop computers only. Off-campus access not available.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Some online resources are not available, for example: CCH eBooks Collection, Factiva, Gartner, Lexis+, LinkedIn Learning, ProQuest eBooks, Westlaw, and Australian Standards (TechStreet).
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)20 4 weeks Up to 16 weeks No Loan laptops 0 Not available Not available No Accessories Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans 0 Not available Not available No All other items * 0 Not available Not available No *All other items includes Short Loans, Leisure reads, DVDs, journals and items in storage.
Who are UNSW alumni?
Students who have graduated or completed their degree program at UNSW, or are recipients of honorary degrees.
About this membership
For off-campus access to selected online resources, log into the Alumni office - Alumni portal. You do not need to become a Library member to access this service. For more information see UNSW Alumni - Library and eJournal access.
To borrow items and access online resources on site, you can apply to become a Library member. You must be able to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person.
No membership fee
Expiry date
Three years from the date of your application.
Required documents
Provide with application:
- Proof of your alumni status (one of the following):
- Any academic record demonstrating you are a UNSW graduate.
- Email confirmation from the alumni team verifying that you are a UNSW graduate.
To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (either on your photo ID or on a phone bill, etc.)
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Access via Library desktop computers only. Off-campus access not available.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Some online resources are not available, for example: CCH eBooks Collection, Factiva, Gartner, Lexis+, LinkedIn Learning, ProQuest eBooks, Westlaw, and Australian Standards (TechStreet).
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)20 4 weeks Up to 16 weeks No Loan laptops 0 Not available Not available No Accessories Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans 0 Not available Not available No All other items * 0 Not available Not available No *All other items includes Short Loans, Leisure reads, DVDs, journals and items in storage.
- Proof of your alumni status (one of the following):
Who are retired UNSW staff?
Former UNSW staff members who have since retired from the University.
About this membership
To borrow items and access online resources on site, you can apply to become a Library member. You must be able to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person.
$99.00 per annum (includes GST)
Expiry date
Your card expiry date is one year from the date of your application.
Required documents
Provide with application:
Retired UNSW staff (10 years or more service) - an employment statement letter can be obtained from HR
To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (for example on your photo ID or a phone bill)
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Access via Library desktop computers only. Off-campus access not available.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Some online resources are not available, for example: CCH eBooks Collection, Factiva, Gartner, Lexis+, LinkedIn Learning, ProQuest eBooks, Westlaw, and Australian Standards (TechStreet).
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)20 4 weeks Up to 16 weeks No Loan laptops 0 Not available Not available No Accessories Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans 0 Not available Not available No All other items * 0 Not available Not available No *All other items includes Short Loans, Leisure reads, DVDs, journals and items in storage.
Who can apply for a ULANZ membership?
The University Library Australia & New Zealand (ULANZ) borrowing scheme allows staff and students to borrow in person from other participating universities in Australia or New Zealand.
Your university must be an eligible Universities Libraries Australia & New Zealand (ULANZ) member.
About this membership
To borrow items and access online resources on site, you can apply to become a Library member. You must be able to come to a UNSW Sydney Library in person.
- Staff - no membership fee
- Students - $55.00 per annum (includes GST)
Expiry date
Your card expiry date is 31 March.
Required documents
Provide with application:
- Proof of current enrolment/employment from your university e.g. letter of enrolment/employment
To be sighted at Help Zone when notified your membership has been processed:
- Current photo ID
- Proof of address (for example on your photo ID or a phone bill)
Borrowing and access rights
Library study spaces
Visit during regular Library opening hours and use study spaces that are not booked or occupied.
Booking of study spaces (including rooms and computers) are available to current UNSW students only.
Online resources
Access via Library desktop computers only. Off-campus access not available.
When accessing online resources, ensure you are aware of the conditions of use for electronic resources.
Some online resources are not available, for example: CCH eBooks Collection, Factiva, Gartner, Lexis+, LinkedIn Learning, ProQuest eBooks, Westlaw, and Australian Standards (TechStreet).
Physical resources
Items found on the shelves are available for use in the Library. Borrowing physical resources:
Resource type Item limit Loan period Renewable Requests Books,
CDs & scores
(Standard loans)20 4 weeks Up to 16 weeks No Loan laptops 0 Not available Not available No Accessories Part of total items limit 4 hours Not available No Interlibrary loans 0 Not available Not available No All other items * 0 Not available Not available No *All other items includes Short Loans, Leisure reads, DVDs, journals and items in storage.