Off-campus borrowers

Off-campus services are available for eligible UNSW students and staff. If you study or work off campus, request library items and interlibrary loans for home delivery.

Eligible UNSW students and staff may register as an off-campus borrower. UNSW Canberra students and staff are served by UNSW Canberra, Academy Library Home Delivery Service.

Delivery of your requested items are to the address you registered with the Library. If your mailing address changes, you must notify the Library of your new address before requesting any items.

Who is eligible for this service?

To be eligible for off-campus service, you need to meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Staff whose work is normally fully undertaken off campus
  • Students registered with Equitable Learning Services
  • Students enrolled in online programs defined as external delivery mode
  • Students enrolled in a full time, remote practical course or fieldwork component (outside Metropolitan Sydney)

Registering and borrowing

Register by completing the Off-campus registration form. Ensure you enter an appropriate and current mailing address. To notify the Library of a change of mailing address, in the Reason for Registration field, select Mailing Address Update.

The Library will cover the cost of postage to your registered mailing address. However, it is your responsibility to pay return postage costs.

For information about borrowing from UNSW Library including request, renew, return, recall and rights, see Borrowing.

Requesting items

UNSW Library aims to assist off-campus students and staff to obtain resources in a timely manner. Requests for items in high demand may be cancelled due to shortened loan periods.

  • Request UNSW Library items by searching the Library collection.
    • When submitting a request, ensure you select PERSONAL DELIVERY - Home Address in the Pickup location field.
    • When borrowing a Short Loan (7 day) item, a 14 day loan period applies.
  • Request items not held in the collections at UNSW Library (Sydney) and Academy Library (Canberra).
    • Students and staff can sign in to the ILL request form to submit a request and borrow from other libraries.
  • Request a scanned copy of items held in the collections at UNSW Library (Sydney) and Academy Library (Canberra).
    • Sign in to the ILL request form to select Format Digital (Article or Book Chapter) and fill in the details.
    • A scanned copy will be emailed to your UNSW email address.
    • Content will be subject to the provisions in the Copyright Act 1968 for the purpose of research and study.

Alternate access options

For off-campus access to the Library's online resources, see Access to online resources.

To borrow books from an academic library closer to your location, consider joining the University Libraries Australia & New Zealand (ULANZ) borrowing scheme.

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