Desk availability at Main and Law Libraries

Save time finding somewhere to study at Main Library and Law Library.

In real time, check this page to see how many individual desks are unoccupied in the designated areas at Main and Law Libraries. You can find them on the desk availability maps (also shown on a screen in the relevant floor or study space). The desk availability display does not indicate which desks are booked or have a computer.

UNSW students can Book a space to reserve a variety of study spaces for collaborative or individual study. Some bookable desks and computers showing as available may have an existing booking. If a space is free, you can check or book it on the spot using the QR code.

You can find and locate spaces, services and facilities at Main Library and Law Library with the mobile directory.

Main Library

Level 2

View desks on the Level 2 rear study lounge map.

Level 3

View desks on the Level 3 North map.

View desks on the Level 3 South map.

Level 4

View desks on the Level 4 North map.
This floor of the Library has bookable desks.

View desks on the Level 4 South map.
This floor of the Library has bookable desks.

Level 6

View desks on the Level 6 map.
This floor of the Library is dedicated to silent study.

Level 7

View desks on the Level 7 map.
This floor of the Library is dedicated to silent study and has bookable desks.

Postgraduate study space

View desks on the postgraduate study space map.
This study space is located on Level 4, Main Library, has some bookable desks and is for postgraduate students only.

Law Library

Ground Level

View desks on the Ground Level map.

Level 1

View desks on the Level 1 map.