UNSW students can now check in real time if there are individual study desks available at Main Library. The desk availability technology has been installed on Level 6 and in the postgraduate study space on Level 4. This initiative follows the success of the desk availability and occupancy service at Law Library.
Students can choose from over 220 individual desks within Main Library. The desk availability maps are displayed on a monitor on Level 6 and in the postgraduate study space on Level 4. You can also use your device to see how many desks are available via the Library website. The new desk availability display does not indicate which desks are booked or have a computer.
Level 6
Desks on Level 6 are available for all Library visitors. There are designated sections on Level 6 where students can use the desk availability service.
Postgraduate study space
UNSW postgraduate students can book a desk in the postgraduate study space on Level 4. Desks showing as available may have a booking. If a bookable desk or computer is free, you can check or book it on the spot using the QR code. If someone occupies your booked study space, show them your confirmation email.
There are plans to extend the technology to subsequent levels of Main Library during Term 2, 2024. Stay tuned!
View desks on the postgraduate study space map.
View desks on the Level 6 map.