Martin Borchert
Martin Borchert is the Director & University Librarian at UNSW Sydney where he was appointed to the position in June 2016.
Martin is an experienced leader with over 20 years' experience in senior roles. In this role, Martin nurtures a positive library organisation culture, enabling the UNSW values in action and develops strong partnerships to build upon the work and reputation of the UNSW Library. He is working to further develop services, resources and facilities which support students, HDR candidates, academic staff and community members in attaining their academic, professional and personal goals and the goals of the university. The Library focuses on delivering unique, efficient and effective, digital, scalable and engaging library services. Martin leads the UNSW Library Executive Team to achieve these goals. The Library's work can be viewed in the annual Library Plan and previous Annual Reports - see About UNSW Library.
Martin has held senior positions at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) where he was Associate Director, Library Services (Information Resources and Research Support) and at Griffith University where he was Associate Director/Manager, Access Services in the Flexible Learning and Access Services department. He has also held various other library positions spanning previous years including Electronic Information Services Librarian, Liaison Librarian, Copy Cataloguer and Lending Assistant. Martin was also a sessional academic in the School of Information Systems at QUT for three years.
Martin is professionally active and has contributed to many national and state-based collection development, e-research and open access initiatives and has been a member of numerous conference organising committees. He is a strong advocate for transformation in scholarly communication via open access, open science and open infrastructure. His outputs are available from UNSWorks, UNSW Researcher Profile and ORCID.
He holds two master's degrees - MBA (USQ 2008) and M.InfoTech (QUT 1999) (Information Management), a B.Sc. (UQ 1990) (marine biology), GAICD (2019), and a certificate in project management (2004).
He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) program, CAVAL Horizon Leadership program, the CAUL Leadership Institute Program and various university-led leadership development programs.
External memberships:
- Member of the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) (July 2016 onwards)
- Member of the CAUL Content Procurement Committee (from 2024)
- Member of the Board Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) (and prior Chair 2018 to 2023)
- Member of the Group of Eight (Go8) Librarians Committee (prior Chair 2018 to 2021)
- Member of the International Association of Academic Libraries (IATUL) Special Interest Group for Library Space
- Associate Member Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) (1993 onwards)
Martin was previously the Chair of the Executive of Open Access Australasia (2018 to 2021), a Director on the Board of CAVAL (2018 to 2021).
UNSW committees:
- University Academic Quality Committee (UAQC)
- University Research Committee (URC)
- Research Data Management Steering Committee
- Academic Board attendee
- Leadership Forum attendee
- UNSW Library committees